Sunday, December 4, 2011

Does anyone know what current balance means if u have a CREDIT ONE credit card ?

It tells me my available cash credit but its diffrent from my CURRENT BALANCE what does it mean?|||Current balance doesn't include authorization holds on your credit card, nor does it include pending transactions.

Credit Limit minus balance minus pending transactions minus authorization holds = credit available.

In some cases you may have a different credit limit for cash advances on your credit card than your general limit (for purchases).

Your current balance is the sum of the charges you have made plus any interest and fees that have accumulated.|||Current balance is what you have charged on the card, what you owe|||Current balance is the amount that you owe ; as of the date of the statement.|||Balance is what you OWE while what is available is what is available.|||Current balance is what you owe.....period. What you may also be looking at is the cash box at the top. This is the amount that you can use if you needed a cash advance or needed cash from an ATM. This is usually less than the "available credit" box.|||Current balance is what you owe at the statement date or possibly today if you are checking online however you may owe more if some charges have not cleared. Available cash credit means the amount of cash advance you can make BUT it will be at a much higher interest rate. . If you have a line that says total available CREDIT..that is how much credit you still have left assuming there are no outstanding charges that have not yet appeared on the statement. This is true for ALL credit cards so learn to read them well and use them sparingly...good luck.

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